The Game Of Unfair
“Spin to win” they said, “Safe Route or Risky Road” they said. Got dropped off in Hollywood, might as well gamble with the gambling gamblers. If you believe that there are keys and brick roads to follow in life then you must have a crippling addiction to stimulants. If you have ever watched sports, nothing is called down the middle. Any advantage will be taken, regardless if it’s legal or illegal. From sign stealing in baseball to under the table deals within the collegiate ranks, every chance will be taken. Top prospects end up fizzling out within just a couple years, whether plagues of injury or series of adversities. Art mimics life of course, life has always been unfair and unpredictable from the start. I knew it was unfair going in when in grade school, I realized that the words “rapist” and “therapist” rhymed. One of the worst, if not the worst action a human being can take on is rape. On the flip side, Therapists are one of the more trustworthy people on the planet. Their job relies on a foundation that is set from trust, sometimes its a legally binding contract that is the mantle. The unfortunate odds are that there are Therapists who are also rapists, there’s a two way street within the trade that calls for manipulation. Life’s not a Snickers commercial, where you eats a Snickers and everything is better. If there was any glimmer of reality in those commercials, then they wouldn’t just cut to the other person when the angry person takes one bite of the candy bar. They would keep the camera rolling on the one person that is given the candy bar, let him find out if it’s melted then have him struggle with chowing down on that forsaken sugary rubber tar bar. It’s not Patrick Ewing that’s knocking you down after whipping out a Snicker’s bar in the real world, it’s just a random east coast Jamaican man that wanted that Snicker’s bar more than you. Life is unfair and it will stay like that forever, if Buddy Holly can die from a plane crash during his prime then an average joe like you will should be sweating the seconds that the clock allows you. Those trophies that you got are made of plastic, I know where they sell them. I believe that being born into this unfair life has some parallels with the life of the cork material. We both come from a tree, you don’t get to choose your destination, and you are useless at some point. You may be summoned as a cap into an expensive wine bottle or you maybe humbled by appearing in a 19 crimes wine with Snoop Dogg’s face on the bottle. You could follow the footsteps of your blue collar working class family by joining the workforce and becoming apart of the insides of a loafer. You might be a one and done as a Walmart shoe or last long as a pair of Allen Edmonds. One thing’s for sure, you were brought in this world to eventually be replaced. Reinventing yourself after years in this game has to be one of the toughest parts, you aren’t what you used to be and you just have to learn how to come to terms with settling with what you once were. If you were a cork cap, you’ll probably be repurposed as some sort of craft. You’ll find what works for you for the remaining time while thoughts of how you are “used goods” roam in your head. If you were cork from a shoe, you have something going on with you. Something like CTE, Arthritis, PTSD or Parkinson. You are a veteran, you were loved and respected for your service but society unfortunately has nothing for you at this time.