Rose Tinted Glasses

Rose Tinted Glasses

Man, how do you see out of these spectacles? My eyes hurt now, might as well be blind because all you’re doing is lying to yourself. I don’t know how these X-Men can walk around with this over their eyes. I make films with my wife but I’m no professional with the red light darkroom prints. What happens when you are at a red light with these on? Are you allowed to run the red because you can’t tell what’s red? If you killed someone while running a red with these rose tinted glasses on, should you expect a lesser sentence? Maybe the pedestrian had a pair on too and walked on red while you ran the red. I would like to see how that case would play out, you’d probably come into court with those same glasses on because you think they look cool. The judge already hates your guts, no shame in front of your honor. You’re nonchalant nature is just asking for a heavy sentence but all you can think about is lunch. I’ve had enough with these glasses, Satan probably looks sane through these spectacles. Through these rose tinted lenses, he is just a Texas high school principle or politician that loves chocolate milk so much that he puts on little cute cow horns so he can match with the cow on the carton. I know one things for sure, you are satan if you wear rose tinted glasses. I don’t think you can pay me to wear these, I’ll settle with my good ole x-ray specs. I can’t live without them, like an MRE to a Solider on duty. Why marry Mary when you can already see through her before rehearsals. I can see right through you and your lies! My coworker says wonderful weather we’re having but I can see it from miles ahead, he has to overcompensate for how he actually feels. I can see what he feels with my X-ray specs, he doesn’t feel good. It’s a long car ride and he’s sweating, stressing if it’s swamp ass or if he pissed himself. Sometimes the X-ray specs can get a bit much, I don’t wanna know who has cancer. One time I saw a man had a tooth infection and the predules to scoliosis. I go through phases, it usually takes me looking at a broken down drunkard on the side of the road with the specs on to finally put them away back in the treasure chest. You know, sometimes you want to be right but you don’t want to lie to yourself so you settle with being in the wrong. I put on my orange tinted glasses before my brain gets foggy from all this thinking; these the same ones that I wear at the gun range. Same color as the prescription pill bottles that I got lying around in the house, I’m not even sick but i’m sick of you and your dumb rose glasses. These orange tinted gun range glasses get warm and start to turn into Shaun White’s goggles. In the name of safety, I need to go play in the snow! It’s sunny and chilly after going 30 for 30 on what they sold me, might make it in two different Forbes articles.