Lucky Rubber Ducky

Lucky Rubber Ducky

Lucky rubber duck, we must pray that it never speaks beyond of the language of squeaks. Don’t give it the option of having to explain what it has seen, it’s seen it all like a prison warden or a social worker. That thousand yard stare from those things can see for miles and miles. Shell shock as it soaks in the suds of the soap in the tub when it is bath time. We never really know where these fuckers come from, they just magically appear in people’s bathrooms like Chuck Berry’s cameras. It must have came with the house when we all moved in or someone got it for a baby shower. It’s a bit odd when you go out your way to purchase one, the cashier at the grocery store would try its hardest to remember what you look like just in case the cops ask for a description. A bag of rubber ducks going down the conveyor belt like duct tape and a hammer was being put down, hopes for no questions asked. That’s besides the point; these ducks would make great eye witnesses. With one eye open, they wouldn’t break a sweat recounting memories at the stand. These final 24 hour documentaries would hit the nail on the coffin with accuracy with Rubber Ducks telling their side of the story. Maybe Gianni Versace had money on the Heat making it past the Eastern Conference finals and really didn’t want to be in the Spice World movie. These Hall Of Fame ducks don’t judge or say anything, they keep their mouths shut like there is a burglar in the house during a tornado drill. They will squeak from time to time but that is usually after they seen something that they shouldn’t have seen. It’s the cough in the cramped elevator, break the awkward tension within the air and the stranger. Floating in the lead filled waters within the boundaries of the bathtub, one by one the whole family shares the water to save on the costs of the bills. It’s not trying to be a peeping pedo tom but it must admit, time does go slower when waiting on something to happen. Secrets are showcased within the confined safe space of the bathroom, the curtains get pulled back and the psychos are shown. The duck floats on but the body of an overdose victim does not. The handmade rails are being dusted off the sink with the hairs from your nose while in the company of the Ronald Reagan rubber duck and at grandma’s house during the holidays, have you no shame? Always sleeved but the reflection from the stainless steel shows that there is more than just tattoos that are being hidden. The stick goes yellow like the Duck because sex before graduation happened. The duck judges no one but seeing you chunder then flush away your only calories for the week makes it want to be flushed too. The duck doesn’t enjoy this at all, if it could turn away then it would. Send itself to Fort Wayne to do the races it would if it could. All we can hope for is that it has a parachute when it sits on the window ledge next to the soap dish and for it to keep its mouth shut.